Monday, July 22, 2013

US information leakage shows sloppiness in managing secrets

An interesting piece in Japan News in defense of Snowden and, by implication, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, and others. I wonder if Snowden ever read about Kim Philby and how much he enjoyed life in the worker's paradise after fleeing England? It's a cold, lonely life.

Speaking of insider threats, you might want to take a look at Managing the Insider Threat: No Dark Corners. It identifies new management, security, and workplace strategies for categorizing and defeating insider threats.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Hong Kong university warns students and staff about US hackers

The India Times reports that following the Snowden leaks, the Chinese University in Hong Kong warned students and staff about basic computer security to ward off an onslaught of US hackers. Is this calling the pot calling the kettle black, or another skirmish in the  new Cold War?